Shark Vacuum Overheating Issues

Shark Vacuum Overheating? Know the Possible Causes & Fixes!


Humans have the legacy of being the most intelligent species among all that exists on this planet. And from the very beginning, we have been making tremendous progress in terms of finding ways to make our lives easier and more relaxed. Among all the chores that we have successfully handled is cleaning our own homes. From traditional broomsticks to mops and now vacuum cleaners, we have evolved to an innovative sense of maintaining hygiene. However, one thing that we are yet to discover is a machine that doesn’t cause trouble(pun intended). 

Overheating in machines is a common complaint, but taking careful steps to resolve it is important. If you have a Shark Vacuum at home, that has been overheating unnecessarily, you are among all those who’ve been facing a similar issue. But, now that you’re here, we’ll walk you through steps you can resolve the “Shark Vacuum Overheating” issue using simple troubleshooting steps.

Shark vacuum overheating and shutting off

Shark Vacuum robots are popular for their efficacy and easy-to-handle functionality. If you have one at home, you probably understand the prologue. These robots are exceptionally efficient at their job, except for one issue- shark vacuum overheating and shutting off. 

The issue is quite regular with the older models with the past generation firmware and machinery elements being used. Since the vacuums were installed with heavy engines that generated more power than they probably should have, the excess energy accumulated resulted in the Shark vacuum motor overheating and shutting off.

However, once you read this blog, you will be able to handle the overheating issues actively and ensure all-around cleanliness.

What causes the Shark vacuum to overheat?

Since your Shark Vacuum keeps overheating, you may have scoured the internet for solutions. But, finding the best one isn’t easy. That’s why we have collected complete information for you to follow and tackle Shark vacuum issues effectively. 

To start with, it is important to know the reasons that can cause the Shark vacuum overheating issue. These are:

  1. Over-clogged Filters
  2. Vacuum Overuse
  3. Electrical circuit issues
  4. Full Dirt Container
  5. Vacuum Hose Clogged

Shark Vacuum keeps overheating due to HEPA Filter

Filters on your Shark Vacuum are one of the most essential parts. This is because they are responsible to collect tiny dirt particles as the cleaning happens and prevent them from escaping back into the open air. As you go on cleaning your home or other spaces, the filter can reach the maximum dirt handling capacity, thereby clogging it.

Once that happens, your vacuum will lose access to airflow and it will start to overheat. For your vacuum to work effectively, air should flow freely through the filters. When it doesn’t, the vacuum will struggle to work and thereby start to overheat.

Vacuum Overuse

Your Shark Vacuum is a mechanical device and is constructed using such parts. When they work for elongated durations, they are prone to heating due to frictional forces at play. If you have been using your Shark vacuum for too long, you shouldn’t be surprised if you see your Shark vacuum overheating and shutting off. 

The design of your Shark vacuum motor is not suitable for extra-long house cleaning sessions. Once the vacuum is overworked, you will notice the temperature rising and the robot eventually shutting off.

Electrical circuit issues

Quite surprisingly, it is not every time that the mechanical elements are the culprits behind your Shark vacuum overheating. The electrical components may also be sometimes responsible for issues like this.

If there’s been a voltage surge, or one or two wires running around without check, it might also trigger your Shark vacuum to overheat. Since the motor relies on power connections to run, if there’s an overdrive due to power issues, the overheating issue is to be expected.

Full Dirt Container

This one is similar to the filter clogging that we discussed earlier. If the dirt container is full, there is no way for the additional dirt to pass through and collect somewhere. This will again clog the hose and the dirt filter, and block the airflow, resulting in the shark vacuum overheating, again.

Vacuum Hose Clogged

Again, if the vacuum suction hose is clogged due to dirt or some other thing, there won’t be any airflow happening. And since the motor keeps on rotating without any actual work happening, it will overwork and the vacuum will overheat. 

Shark Vaccum Motor Overheating

As already mentioned, Shark vacuum cleaners are popular for their powerful motors that collect every last spec of dirt and debris that may be there. Now, due to the factors discussed in the section above, there may be a possibility that the motor is overworked, either due to improper handling, low maintenance, power surge, etc. 

If your Shark vacuum keeps overheating, it is prudent that you check if it’s due to the motor or the electrical components malfunctioning at their behest. When this happens, it is wise to turn off the vacuum, disconnect it from the power connections, and allow it to rest for at least 30 minutes.

If you continue to use the vacuum for more than that, you are risking motor damage and more expenses for the damages caused.

How do I stop my vacuum from overheating?

The basic troubleshooting steps to avoid your Shark Vacuum from overheating are as follows:

  1. Turn off your Shark Vacuum and disconnect it from the power source.
  2. Remove the dust cap and clean the filters.
  3. Check the vacuum hose for blockage and clean any debris.
  4. Replace the power cable if there’s an issue with it.

Step-by-step Troubleshooting Guide

  • Start by emptying the dust cup on your Shark vacuum robot. Doing so can help clear the dirt and debris accumulated that might be blocking the airflow. 
  • Check the air filters and ensure they aren’t clogged with dirt. If so, clean them using an air blower. You can also wash some filters under cool water and then allow them to dry out completely in the sunshine.
  • Using a thin metal wire or stick, try unblocking the vacuum hose and clearing the debris stuck inside. Once clear, use a high-capacity air blower to clean the hose of dirt completely.
  • Replace your power cord if the Shark vacuum keeps overheating. There may be some issues with the power cord like breakage, indents, etc.

How to reset your Shark Vacuum?

Some Shark Vacuum models can be made to work around the overheating issue using a vacuum reset. The steps are easy to follow and all that is needed to start using your vacuum without any hassle. Here are the steps to reset the Shark Vacuum robot:

  1. Move the power button position to the Off position.
  2. Unplug your Shark vacuum for the power outlet.
  3. Give the vacuum at least 45 minutes to cool down.
  4. Move the power switch back to the On position.

Hopefully, the Shark Vacuum Overheating should go away with these steps.


Shark Vacuum Overheating issue is common, but by using the troubleshooting steps discussed, you’ll be able to resolve it in no time. Remember to take due care while handling your Shark vacuum and you’ll ensure that it runs for an eternity. 

If you continue to face issues with your Shark Vacuum, you can always reach out to the team of experts at our end.

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