Shark Vacuum Red Light

How to Fix the Shark Vacuum Red Light Flashing?

Shark vacuum is among the top robot vacuums that are enduring and effective. They can function on most floors and provide clean as well as tidy surroundings. You can buy Shark vacuums in different sizes, shapes, and colors. Not limited to this, you don’t have to be tech-savvy to operate the vacuum, as they are quite easy to use. However, with time you will face the Shark vacuum red light issue.

The Shark vacuums come with smart LEDs, through which you can find out the status of the vacuum. If you are facing the Shark robot vacuum red light issue, don’t worry! In this post, we’ll discuss the reasons, and then we’ll explain the troubleshooting methods.

Reasons for the Shark Vacuum Red Light Flashing

It’s crucial to know the behavior of these lights, as each color means something different. By noticing these lights, you can know if the vacuum is working fine or not.

The Shark Robot vacuum red light when stable, indicates there’s an issue with the main brush of the vacuum. There could be debris and hair stuck in the brush, obstructing its movement.

The Shark vacuum red light flashing indicates the vacuum is overheating. This could be due to debris interfering with the motion of a brush. In this case, it will also sound different than it normally does. Further, we’ll discuss the troubleshooting methods for this issue.

Troubleshooting the Shark Robot Vacuum Red Light

Now, that we know the issue with the robovac, we can troubleshoot it. The troubleshooting methods are as follows:

Clean the Main Brush

If there’s debris, hair, and other dirt substance stuck in the main brush, it won’t spin at all. You will need to clean out the brush and remove the debris. For this, you need to unplug the vacuum from its source of power and flip it over. Now, you just need to remove all the pests and dirt stuck in the brush using your hands.

You can also cut off the hairs and strings using a pair of scissors. Ensure there’s nothing stuck in the main brush. When you are sure, you can turn it back on and start using it again.

Cool Down the Vacuum

A major reason for the Shark vacuum red light flashing is an overheated vacuum. Therefore, you need to fix this issue instantly. Luckily, the Shark vacuums have a temperature sensor that will power off the vacuum when it gets too heated.

Frequently, the overheated vacuum will emit more sound as well. When it’s making a high-frequency sound, indicates it is overheating. To fix this issue, you just need to disconnect the vacuum from the electrical outlet and give the vac approximately 30 minutes to cool down.

After 30 minutes, flip it over and check the brush roll for any debris or hair. If it is ok, there could be an obstruction somewhere else. After that, you need to disconnect all the attachments and hoses for any buildups. If there is, clean it up, clear the dust tank, and inspect the filters of the vacuum as well. When you are done cleaning it, reconnect the power source and check if the issue is gone or not.


These are the troubleshooting methods for the Shark vacuum red light issue. If there are any other issues you are facing with your Shark robot vacuum, reach out to our team right now!

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